Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Social Media Frenzy

So being the young female adult that I am, I have every social media possible. I have Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. I have decided to make an Instagram for only fashion reasons, such as OOTD and artsy pics. Basically anything that I don't want on my personal Instagrams. 

If anyone that actually reads this blog wants to follow, my username is RachCate_28

I will follow back because I want to get to know everyone who reads these posts. 

I also have started a YouTube channel to further expand my reach into the internet and social media. I will try and post videos as much as possible, but things have been insane because I am graduating for high school in a week!! So over the summer I will defiantly be posting more on all social media, including this blog, YouTube, and Instagram.  

So here is where you can find me on all social media

Instagram: RachCate_28
YouTube: Rachel Heatherington
Twitter: RachHeather
Vine: Rachel Heatherington

Hope y'all are having a wonderful week!