Wednesday, May 20, 2015

#WCW Emma Watson

Ahhh! The beautiful gift of Wednesday, the day we women squirm and wonder if we are to be chosen as someone's Woman Crush Wednesday. Today I would like to honor the great and truly kick ass Emma Watson as my Woman Crush Wednesday! (queue the round of applause) Let us take a look at the many reasons why Emma is truly Life Goals.

She played Hermione. And as we all know, Hermione is a true bad ass.

She graduated from Brown, like a boss.

She also was a student athlete.

She joined the United Nations, because she could.

She made Feminism not just about women, but men too.

She redefined what it means to be sexy.

I mean just look.

She friend zoned a Prince. Yes A PRINCE!!

Who else would do that?!?

I mean look at them!
And that sums up some of the most amazing parts of Emma Watson that we absolutely love. She truly keeps her standards and goals high and is determined to achieve them. So cheers to you Emma! 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Underground

During the 1970's and early 80's, The Village Subway in Cameron Village in Raleigh, NC was a hub of music, activity, and night life. The Ramones, R.E.M, and Jimmy Buffet are some famous musicians that made their start at the Subway. Now, a couple decades later, the Underground still in a decaying and dilapidating state. Cameron Village opened the Subway back up one last time to give the Subway a final farewell. 

Today, The Village Subway is the ruin of the old 70's and 80's nightlife. For a final time, Cameron Village is allowing ticket holders down into the The Underground for a concert, fashion show, and the final farewell to The Village Subway. While the event sold out extremely fast, Cameron Village decided to give out employee tickets to some of the ventures so they could tour and witness The Underground for themselves (Thank you guys!) So last week, I got to go down and tour the remains of The Underground. There remained antique murals that are chipping to reveal even older murals. 

The first room is pictured above. The cobblestone from the streets and the foundations from the stores are still visible. The whole room is a giant empty room, with the exception of the storage from stores up above and the stage that is in the process of being built. There is some graffiti left over from people. Walking on the left over foundations is unadvised since there is left over piping and water on the floor. Other employees touring that were around during The Village Subway's prime time. They were reminiscing of times when they visited The Subway and which stores and bars were where. When the stale air was filled with music and the faint stench of stardom. Or a rockstar thats forgotten to shower. Its very similar. 

Th' Cigaretz performing in 1979, photographed by Malcolm Riviera
The large underground space was originally made to act as a bomb shelter during the Cold War after the land was bought in 1964 by the Brookmont Corporation. It was meant to be a space that sheltered civilians during an attack. The space then was renovated to look like the Underground Atlanta. The original entrance, pictured below, was painted to look like a New York Subway. This entrance is sealed off now and the paint is peeling off the wall. 

In its prime time, The Village Subway was home to dozens of musicians that got their start playing in this underground club. Every genera of music was represented and so was every type of band, from famous to garage bands. Raleigh's only jazz club of the time, The Frog and Nightgown, was a hot spot of activity. Performers generally were not announced before their performance, so the audience payed careful attention to who was on stage. Other bands performed at the Cafe Deja Vu and other clubs at The Village Subway. Frequent performers,The Connells, a local band, found their start here. They lived so close to the Village that the performers would walk their, carrying their luggage.

Other well know performers such as Jimmy Buffet, The Police, and The Ramones to name a few. R.E.M.'s first concert footage is taken at The Pier in 1982. The Pier also hosted Sonic Youth when they recorded their first live track "I Wanna Be Your Dog" for their album Confusion is Sex. 
Slice of the 1970's by Malcolm Riviera overlaying the real mural today

Today The Underground is forgotten with most of the current Cameron Village Shoppers not even knowing about its existence. The interest in its existence was rekindled by Heather Leah in her article called Candid Slice which reminded everyone about the forgotten space in July of 2013. Since then, there has been a revival to for The Village Subway to come back to life. Currently the location is to be used by The Fresh Market for food preparation. With their location being blocked off from all sides from above or below. This area will no longer be opened to the public after the renovations. They hold one of the two entrances to The Underground. The second entrance is behind the Party Shop and was used in the "Cameron Village Live" concert that was held on May 16. 

Today, the second location is a large shell of the past with all of the original structures removed and graffiti replacing it. 

If you have other stories or information about The Village Subway, go ahead and comment! 


"The Village Subway." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 17 May 2015. 

Leah, Heather. "The Raleigh Underground: An Epic Era Sealed Beneath Cameron Village." Candid Slice. N.p., 18 July 2013. Web. 17 May 2015.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Top 10 Reasons to start a Blog

The glamorous life of a blogger. We wake up, flawless, drink our coffee and check our email. We have no obligations and, obviously, we do not sweat we just glisten. Of course anyone can be a blogger with just a little hard work and creativity. Here are my Top 10 tips and reasons for starting a blog: 
10. Reason: An ode to your favorite celebrity. There are Tumblrs and Twitter profiles dedicated to the work, style, and actions of celebrities everywhere. If you feel very passionately about a celebrity and their work, go ahead and make a shrine to them! Not a weird creepy shrine with candles because thats a little too far, reflagging all their greatest fashion moments isn't that creepy.
9. Tip: have an archive of articles prepared before publishing. Having backups are good for days when you don't have time to sit down and write. They also come in handy for busy weeks like finals or if you're sick. This way you can also stay organized and motivated.
8. Reason: Its a more productive way to watch Netflix. Multitasking is key, and by key I mean split screen and type while keeping up with your favorite Netflix show. This is far more productive and mostly makes me feel less lazy as a person.
7. Tip: Planning out articles for the week so that you know when you're publishing what. This also allows you to relate your articles to topics that are hot in the media or even days of the week (i.e. Articles to cheer people up on that Dreary Monday). 

From Murad Osmann Instagram (@muradosmann) 
6. Reason: Document a journey! If you are you climbing Mount Kilimanjaro or just going on a hike in your backyard, exploring and adventure are always interesting and entertaining. Plus nature can make some pretty pictures along the way.
5. Tip: PICTURES! Graphics, picture, gifs, and videos are a great addition to your blog. This gives your blog a more visual appeal and also makes it not all wordy and boring. Most of us have cameras on our phones or computers so snapping a quick pic can speak volumes more than words. Pictures really do mean a thousand words.
4. Reason: In a world where everything seems to be going to the toilet, providing some comic relief can always help. I mean SNL made a pretty penny on getting people to laugh. We all need a good "I'm laughing so hard I'm crying" moment every now and then.
3. Reason: Take a stand on important and serious topics. With a lot of controversial topics that are currently being debated in the media (i.e. abortion, gay rights) and with upcoming elections, its important to take a role in politics. Speaking out on your opinions and ideas is a good way to be a little more involved. Of course helping out in campaigns and even voting can be a more important role, but if you feel strongly about a topic go ahead and put your views out there. You may find people that you share your ideals with.
2. Tip: If your need to research any part of an article DO cite your source. Not only is this the right thing to do, but your readers may want to take a look at the articles you got your information from so making a nice little reference section is important. This also goes for pictures. 

My Picture
1.Reason: Put yourself out there. We all have opinions, ideas and creativity. So put it out there! You have an inspirational story? Inspire others! You never know what lives you will touch.

Any other tips and/ or reasons? Add them in the comment section!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 17 Fishtail Braid

Was feeling pretty awesome after finishing my side french fishtail braid today. Prefect for keeping my hair out of my face at work.