Sunday, May 18, 2014

Hey there!

Hey there! I'm Rachel and I created this blog for multiple reasons. I hope to try and get them all down here before I forget or make this post too long winded. 

One reason I want to do this is because I absolutely love fashion. I think its a great way to express yourself and present yourself to the world, so its important that its done right. 
SO GUESS WHAT! There isn't really a wrong style, just inappropriate clothes for certain situations. For example: DO NOT wear a crop top with your stomach out to a job interview. I feel like people should know this, but apparently they don't. Its time to start paying attention to that. 

I also work in retail and its really unfortunate to see women try and dress themselves and they don't succeed in making themselves look as amazing as they could. Leggings and a crop top never look good on anyone. You muffin top and camel toe are exposed and that has NEVER, and never will be, an attractive thing. 

I also have a little sister and she is such an inspiration. She's only a freshman in high school, and unlike how I was, she knows who she is and is proud of it. We all went through a phase, or multiple, in trying to find ourselves. I hope to help. I went through just about every phase including, but not limited to, goth, punk, skater, preppy, boho, and now I just do whatever I like and its come to a preppy/edgy/boho combination. I want to help young girls break away from conforming to what their friends want to do, to what they want to do. I struggled with that, but my sister sure doesn't. 

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